Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday Dread

"Work hard, play hard." It’s a saying we’ve all heard. But what about “resting hard”?
I am not the first to admit that my mind, intent on productivity, is inclined to minimize the importance of rest; rest, after all, is often interrupted with thoughts of responsibilities, responsibilities that because I am resting I am clearly shirking—and by golly, there aren’t enough hours in the day as it is! However, Sabbath, like sleep at night, is a way of acknowledging what I believe to be our ingrained need for restoration.  Even God on the seventh day rested.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Shakshuka (Recipe)

Here is a recipe that we find to be delicious, satisfying, and elegant. It’s great for parties of three to four, but what an awesome thing if you made this for a party of eight or so. You eat it straight from the skillet, as each dinner guest spoons the tomato goodness from the pan and spreads it on a thick slice of bread. Or just slurps it straight from the spoon. Love each other and have napkins on hand.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Introducing the “Killing of the Fatted Calf” Series

This is an idiom.

By, “to kill the fatted calf,” we mean to bring to mind the Biblical story of the Prodigal Son. In this story, the younger of two sons asks his father for his share of the inheritance. Not only is this a great insult (to his living father), but he goes on to squander it all, leading a life of self-centered, decadent spending. After a short time, he is penniless and malnourished. So, he returns home to plead his father’s mercy—hoping to be received as simply a farmhand—knowing the servants there were well treated. What follows is the son’s unexpected restoration as his father runs to meet him, proclaiming:

“Quick! Bring out the best robe and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the calf we have been fattening, and kill it; we will celebrate by having a feast, because this son of mine was dead and had come back to life; he was lost and is found.”

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Segment #1 - Methods, Metaphors, and Musings on Bread Baking

These past two Saturdays, we’ve tried our hands at making Ciabatta loaves using the long and involved processes in Baking by Hand by Andy and Jackie King. They started a neat, local bakery in Salem, MA called A & J King Artisan Bakers that has become a favorite of ours.
During the long hours of the baking process, we have exchanged a few playful metaphors that morphed into what we consider to be a delicious perspective on bread making. Here they are! Enjoy and create your own.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Rough Beginnings

How do two start a blog? For both of us, it is not the first time. There are many forgotten blogs lost in cyberspace. (Please don’t check our profiles…) There are many fears of being known, much potential of being judged, labeled, written off, ignored. Confrontation only happens when someone opens his or her mouth. Or starts a blog.